Kirsten Jordan

There’s nothing like the dawn of a new calendar year that inspires us to do and be better. 

You’ve written out your goals, now how do you hit them? 

The problem isn’t with your ability to dream up, write down or even map out the path to reaching your goals (vision board, anyone?). The issue comes with a lack of follow through. It doesn’t matter if it’s new year’s or your birthday or just a regular Tuesday. This phenomenon occurs at all times of the year.

There’s nothing magical about swiping our calendars from 2022 to 2023 to make us more adept at hitting our goals. The key will be in establishing solid, evergreen habits that will propel you from goal-setting to goal-slaying 

So forget about resolutions. Focus on each day with these 5 tips. 

Real Job Descriptions and Duties

Unclear responsibilities waste so much of your staff’s time. As a leader/manager/agent, you’ll instantly boost the productivity of your team by laying out clearly defined roles. Less time wasted wondering what should be done first or who’s taking care of this and that (not to mention time wasted on duplicating efforts) means more focused time spent on working towards those sales goals. 

Pareto Principle

I used to think that productivity was about how much you can squeeze into a day. Now I know how important it is to take the time you need for quality work and interactions. This is the crux of the Pareto Principle, the principle that says 80% of your outcomes come from 20% of your input. While there are a number of ways to apply it, the key, as it pertains to reaching those real estate goals, is around time management and data collection, really figuring out which 20% matters most. 

Once you’ve identified those all-important goals and communicated them clearly to your team, design a schedule around them. Ask your team to spend the beginning of their workday, when their energy is fresh, focused on marketing, interacting, and cultivating relationships within the 20%.


I know you’ve heard this before, but truly, nothing gets a job done like the fear of letting others down. Most of us need a reminder, outside of ourselves, that reaching our goals is of utmost importance, especially when it comes to not letting down the team. What do you need to follow through? Maybe it’s a mastermind group, a coach, or an accountability buddy. Maybe it’s a teammate who’s relying on you reaching your goal, so she can hit hers. Figure out what works for you and make it happen. Keep your goals in front of your face, top of mind.

Make your Annual Goal a Daily Goal 

An annual goal happens in so many moments. It’s that 10-minute break where you make two calls instead of scrolling on Instagram. It’s the morning when you don’t hit the snooze button. These little actions add up to big results. You don’t wait until Dec. 31 to see if you’ve met your annual goal. When you divide it up into a daily goal, you can see how you’re doing day in and day out. Not only will it feel less daunting. You’ll be able to identify when you’re off track and get back on more quickly. 

Dynamic Goals

The last piece of the productivity puzzle is being flexible. No one knows better than real estate agents that circumstances are forever in flux. Money comes and goes, clients change their mind, the market fluctuates. Sometimes these oscillations necessitate a revision of our goals. Keep your eyes and ears open to ensure that the goals you’ve set still make sense for the moment. If not, don’t be rigid. Allow your goals to grow and change, just like you. Review your goals each quarter and adjust accordingly. 

[See some other productivity tips here]

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